

Intro If you ever wondered why it's hard to reach your money goals, you might be stuck in one of these 10 money habits keeping you poor. Coming in with a degree in accounting and finance, I've learned a lot of useful stuff about getting better with money and avoiding big mistakes. In this guide, I'll talk about these habits that hold back your money growth and give you simple ways to fix them. Not Paying Yourself First Not paying yourself first. The number one rule in handling your money is to put some aside for yourself before anything else. I've learned this concept from Reading Robert Kiyosaki's Rich Dad Poor Dad. If you skip this step, it's tough to improve your financial situation. Usually what happens is when we get paid, we immediately use the money to cover bills, and there's not much left. Start by saving for yourself first. In a nutshell, here's how you can do it: begin with 5% of your paycheck and gradually increase it to 10%, aiming for the r...


  Intro If you're wondering why a lot of people are broke, you're at the right place. I used to be like that, so I know what makes it happen even better. I fixed my money problems by doing the total opposite, and you can do it too. In this post, I'll share the most common reasons why most people are broke, and if you don't want to be like most people, all you need to do is not make these money mistakes. They haven't set clear money goals. Money goals are the foundation of every step you take with your money. In simple terms, when you create money goals, you're planning your future money moves. They provide you with a financial roadmap and a sense of purpose. Plus, without them, there's no way to keep your money habits in check. For instance, if you choose to save ten thousand dollars this year, every time you think about spending money, you should ask yourself: will this help me save ten thousand dollars or make it harder? Honestly, just asking yourself ...


Intro Are you looking for ways to save money and live a more frugal lifestyle? If so, you've come to the right place. Today we're going to share some frugal living tips for beginners. So whether you're looking to save money on groceries or reduce your monthly expenses, keep watching till the end of the video for some great tips. 11. If possible, eliminate monthly subscriptions You might not realize it, but you probably have a lot of monthly subscriptions, from your gym membership to your Netflix account. Those 10 to 20-dollar monthly expenses really add up. If you're serious about saving money, take a close look at your monthly budget and see where you can cut back. There's no shame in canceling a few subscriptions here and there. Your wallet will thank you in the long run. Consider how often you use each service and if it duplicates another. Rather than paying for several streaming services, news sites, or beauty subscription boxes, pick the one you use m...